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As an Educator...

Education is a vital part of who I am as a person and as a Rabbi. I have chosen to pursue an education degree (through Xavier University) while in Rabbinical school because I believe education is key to sharing my love of Judaism. I am excited to teach and, moreover, learn with the youngest to the oldest learners in a community.

Lesson Plans: Image

Sample Lessons for Youth

While I have had experience working with students in every age group, I have found working with teens greatly meaningful.

7th Grade- Standing at Sinai: Our Relationship with Torah

6th Grade Jewish History: The Period of Kings

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Adult Education

Some of my favorite topics to teach on are Jewish history, poetry, food, and gender issues in Jewish texts.

A History of Jewish Travel, Lesson 1 Slides

Lesson Plan for Weekly Torah Study: Parashat B'Shalach

Lesson Plans: List
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