The Importance of Media
My Rabbinic education and experience has been greatly impacted by the Covid-19 global pandemic. As all of our lives and perspectives shifted over the past few years, I have seen how important all forms of media are to community, connection and education. On this page, there are a range of recordings, services, and links to my Jewish food-based social media pages (the first row of pictures below). Judaism has always adapted to the world, and this time that we are living in is no different.

Fifth Year Service
This video shows my full fifth year service, which includes original poetry, a Torah service, and a sermon on the topic of separation of religion and state, which begins at 1:00, if you would like just watch and listen to words of Torah.
Fourth Year Service
This video shows a full service that I led alongside other students and faculty. I also deliver a sermon on the topic of redemption in parashat Yitro and in Jewish thought which begins at 1:05, if you would like just watch and listen to words of Torah.